Evidence-Based Pilates Podcast Ep. 101: Helping You Understand Pain with Kyle Georgina Marsh
Pilates Elephants Ep. 255: Is class programming dragging you down? Fun and Effective Tips Inside, with Natalie Wilson and Kyle Marsh
JZ Unfiltered Ep 18: Power Encouragement & Asking Questions with Kyle Georgina Marsh
JZ Unfiltered Ep 19: How do we do better when we know better? Part II with Kyle Georgina Marsh
Evidence-Based Pilates Podcast: Ep. 70 Does Pilates Count as Strength Training? Guest Kyle Marsh
Evidence-Based Pilates Podcast: Ep. 50 How Much is Enough Pilates Education With Kyle Marsh
Pilates Elephants Ep. 259: There is no such thing as a Pilates emergency, with Natalie Wilson and Kyle Marsh
Pilates Elephants Ep. 249: Straight Talk About Boredom with Natalie Wilson and Kyle Marsh
Pilates Elephants: Ep. 245: The Case For Ugly Pilates, with Natalie Wilson & Kyle Marsh
Pilates Elephants: Ep. 237 Your skills gap might be a result of your education, with Natalie Wilson & Kyle Marsh
Pilates Elephants Ep. 223 What does it mean to empower our clients?
Pilates Elephants Ep. 221 First, Do No Harm
Pilates Elephants Ep. 2019 Different Kinds of Employment Opportunities in the Pilates Industry
Pilates Elephants Ep. 200: Can introverts be successful Pilates Instructors?
Pilates Elephants Ep. 163: What place do tactile cues have post-pandemic? With Kyle Marsh and Raphael Bender
Pilates Elephants Ep. 159: Is Pilates Fearmongering on the rise? With Kyle Marsh and Raphael Bender
Pilates Elephants Ep. 152: When is even one prop too many? With Kyle Marsh and Raphael Bender
Pilates Elephants Ep. 136: Why do we keep having the same conversation in Pilates?
The Millennial PhD: Creative Survival at Work & Beyond Ep.27: What Does Success Mean? ft. artist + entrepreneur Kyle Georgina Marsh
Pilates Elephants Ep. 75: Pilates Pedagogy, with Kyle Georgina Marsh and Raphael Bender
Featured Articles
What Do We Actually Know About Exercise And Pregnancy?
The Pilates Journal: Your skills gap might be a result of your education
Authority Magazine: How Pilates Can Improve Your Health and Wellbeing